2015 Harley Davidson Raffle
The 22nd Harley Davidson Raffle is underway!
The first place prize this year is a 2015 Harley Davidson Sportster with a 1200cc engine, ABS brakes, larger gas tank, and fat front wheel. The second prize is $1,000 and third prize is $500. Tickets are $50 each and the drawing will be at 3:30 p.m. on September 7th on the Northfield Common. To purchase a ticket you can contact any Northfield Rotarian, pick one up at a business in town (South Village Mobile, Kenyon's, Fernandez, the American Legion, Bicycle Express, or Trans-Video), mail a check to the Northfield Rotary Club (PO Box 5, Northfield, VT 05663) or stop by the Common on Labor Day weekend and buy one then. Don't wait too long though, only 500 tickets will be sold!
For more photos visit www.facebook.com/northfieldvtrotary