2016 Harley Davidson Raffle
The 23rd annual Harley Davidson Raffle is underway!
The first place prize this year is a 2016 Harley Davidson Sportster with a fat front wheel. The second prize is $1,000 and third prize is $500. Tickets are $50 each and the drawing will be held at 3:30 p.m. on Monday, September 5th on the Northfield Common. To purchase a ticket contact any Northfield Rotarian or reach out to Cara Gauthier (carabgauthier@gmail.com or 802-760-0182). To reserve a ticket just mail a check to the Northfield Rotary Club (PO Box 5, Northfield, VT 05663) or stop by the Common on Labor Day weekend and buy one then.
You can also purchase a raffle ticket in town at a few Northfield businesses Stop in to any of the locations below and ask to purchase a Harley ticket to support the Northfield Rotary Club.
- South Village Mobile
- Kenyon's
- Fernandez Hardware
- Bicycle Express
- Trans-Video
- Rocket J's
- Convenience Plus
- Rustic Restaurant
Don't wait too long though, only 500 tickets will be sold! For more photos visit www.facebook.com/northfieldvtrotary